Extrel Mass Spectrometers

Ethylene Cracking | Methanol | Ethylene Glycol |
Ammonia | Natural Gas | Ambient Air Monitoring |
Air Separation | R&D Facilities | LNG |
Laboratories | Nuclear Plants |
About Mass Spectrometers
A Mass Spectrometer is an instrument that measures masses and relative concentrations of atoms and molecules by using electric and magnetic forces on a moving charged particle. The Extrel Max 300 Series typical deliver analysis results in 400 milli seconds per component and are capable of measurements from percent (%) to low parts per billion (ppb). This speed allows process control systems to react faster to conditions and is why an Extrel Mass Spectrometer can be a "preferred choice" in certain applications.
The Max 300 IG is an 80 Stream on-line process Mass Spectrometer.
The unit operates on a Windows 2003 server platform and has a web interface. Customer connections can be via Modbus RS485/TCIP, OPC, or conventional 4 to 20mA and digital signals.
The Max 300 LG is an 8 Stream Mass Spectrometer for safe area installations such as Laboratories, Research or educational facilities.
The Max 300 IG seamlessly integrates with our "Unified Analyser Data Network" and co-exists with other manufacturers TCP/IP enabled analysers.